Plans for removing the gyratory

gyratoryAt the next meeting of the Forum, on 16 March, Rajesh Upadhyaya of Transport for London will explain the plans for eliminating the gyratory. Charlotte May and Laura Brett, who have been providing input to TfL on behalf of their respective boroughs (Camden and Islington), will be present, too. Then Charlotte May, who works for King’s Cross Estate Services as well as Camden Council, will provide an update about the area travel plan, following on from her presentation to the Forum last year.

Many people have welcomed the plans for eliminating the gyratory, but some have doubts about its treatment of the bus lanes, cycle lanes, pedestrian crossings, Acton Street, Britannia Street, … As the Forum meeting is only four days before the end of the consultation period, Rajesh Upadhyaya might be able to deal with some of the public comments. Afterwards the Forum will consider its response to the consultation on the plans; a draft of the response will be available for review and revision by then.

The meeting is from 6:30 to 8:30 on Wednesday 16 March in Committee Room 2 of Camden Town Hall. All are welcome to this (and every other) meeting of the Forum.

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3 Responses to Plans for removing the gyratory

  1. Pingback: King’s Cross road system – Two way is radical, what we need is a total transformation | Kings Cross Environment

  2. Ewa says:

    STILL no gyratory consultation leaflets delivered to Wharfdale road !!

  3. Pingback: Gyratory meeting – Marchmont Voice

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